
Business Ice Cream

The Business ice cream in the mall and plaza have a big profit opportunities, because the more people like it Children to adult. Mall and plaza to sell these products is the choice of the perfect place, more people visit here to meet the need daily life.

There are several things that make the business ice cream in the shopping center coveted commodity businessman, among others:

The business it didn’t need Place a widely. only need simple place to sell such products or something store. Not the same as the sale of food in generally, because they can eat ice cream while walking to shopping at this mall

Does not required many employees, in principle this business does not require many employees, only one or two people can be served alone

Machine practice, ice cream making machine is very practical and inexpensive. With this tool so that the production of ice cream is guaranteed to work fine as expected

This business opportunity suitable for tropical climate regions such as Indonesia. Simple packaging to consume it, especially holiday in the mall


  1. aslm wr wb

    sdh lama g ksini
    p kbar pak :)

  2. great bisnis, can make much provit.

  3. Ice cream business in the plaza or mall certainly needs to be studied more carefully. Plaza or mall space has been equipped with air-conditioning so cold. The desire to taste the ice cream may be reduced. Indeed many parents with their children to a shopping mall and this become a good opportunity for the ice cream business.

  4. Thank for coming in Blog Bisnis Muklis Pak Wiyono. And this is great article with great news opportunity, thank and good luck to you

  5. mampir lgi di hari jumat yg santai :)

  6. terima kasih kunjungan siangnya. semoga anda kerasan main2 ke blog saya.

    laen kali kunjungi lagi ya.

  7. hmmmm,,,,,,es krim????? ennnnaaaaaqqqqq bangeeeeedddd......

  8. It is good bisnis and I want to try, but I don't know way to do it, may be you can teach me about it

  9. It is good bisnis and I want to try, but I don't know way to do it, may be you can teach me about it

  10. mo beli kaos bwt istri mas? dsini aja :)

  11. koq beritanya masih es krim? brrrrrr, dinginnnn,,,,,,,

  12. hm.. sayah suka beli es krim cone ^^

  13. Salam,
    When we talking about food business, we can not run than discussing about good taste, flavour, and presentation. I do love love ice-cream, as such in this hot weather.


  14. Aduhhh......
    Ice creamnya bikin ngiler nehhh...
    Panas-panas cocok udaranya... kikiki..


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