we first era have to bother looking for Handphone to find the counter but maybe this might be our neighbors have also been selling Handphone Essentially all electronic devices today are very easy to obtain, depending on how much money is available in your savings. The electronic goods increase rapidly almost every day we see advertisements on TV and Newspapers
The majority of people needs communications with Handphone for a quick way even more alone businessman who at any time to monitor the development of its business. Acceleration of communication will increase the speed of economic development and other information. It is expected that with the sophisticated communications person can meet their needs and quickly so that more. Although such results are not forever?
Therefore mobile phone business would continue in the market, especially in crowded malls and plazas where electronic goods are also available. Is preparing to open the counter or are planning to open this business. In the modern era hp will be the primary requirement for everyone.
mengamankan pertamaaxxx...
ReplyDeletemengamankan yg keduaaxx..
ReplyDeletesaya hanya bisa menggut-manggut nich...hehehe
kalo google adsensenya mw nampil ditemplate harus di encode dl pak...kalo mw encode DISINI
ReplyDeletebaru dipasang ditemplate..n baru bisa muncul
trimakaih kunjungannya kemarin mas...salam kenal..
ReplyDeletedari feed tadi sudah tampil GAnya pak.. kalo mw ngeset lebih mudahnya lewat blogger langsung aja...pada dasbor coba pilih blog lalu pilih uangkan..jika sudah silahkan pilih tempat yang diinginkan...trs lanjutkan dengan login ke akun GA anda...
ReplyDeletewaaaakh, tampilan baru kang....
ReplyDeleteeka@ iyanih soalnya yang kemerin banyak masalah
ReplyDeletewakakak akak ak kak a
ReplyDeletemaaf baru bisa mampir nh gan,...englis semua, ga bisa ngomen pake bahasa english, mklm sy pasif nh,
ReplyDeletePak aku ga bisa bahasa inggris, maaf ga bisa koment yang bener disini.
ReplyDeletesalam..semunya sudah maju..maka siaran maya juga perlu maju kedepan..
ReplyDeleteUseful information...i'm going to build online store like this on methode...
ReplyDeletesalam kenal
Bisnis hp memang ndak ada matinya........
ReplyDeleteSemangat....... kikiki...........